Gambling Recovery Support Services
Gambling Recovery Support Services is an opportunity available to Bettor Choice participants, individuals in recovery, and those affected by problem gambling to connect with a person in recovery with lived experience with gambling.
Connecticut Recovery Support Specialists are available to provide gambling outreach, resources, educational training opportunities, and recovery speakers for your upcoming meetings or events. Please contact Stephen Matos for more information at [email protected] or 203-448-0144. Gambling Recovery Support Services is coordinated by MCCA, Inc through funding from the State of Connecticut’s Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, Problem Gambling Services Division.
In addition, Gambling Recovery Support Services:
- Maintains representation on National recovery panels and groups
- Coordinates statewide gambling recovery events at least 2x annually
- Acts as a peer liaison to statewide prevention coordinator and utilizes expertise in recovery field to ensure recovery perspective is captured in all multicultural work and targeted prevention initiatives
- Provides problem gambling outreach and education throughout the state and act as a liaison to regional peers, Bettor choice providers, and other agencies engaging them in these outreach events when possible.
- Distributes marketing materials problem gambling clinical and recovery support services statewide
- Works with DIGIN and other clinical providers throughout the state to enhance problem gambling integration and support services
- Initiates a statewide problem gambling person’s affective collaborative and build capacity for those impacted by a loved one’s gambling to have a voice and actively participate in the recovery support community
- Supports and work directly with Bettor Choice staff in other regions to initiate local/regional speaker’s bureau orientations and trainings
- Participates in regional and statewide recovery events
- Works directly with CT Council on PG and other stakeholders to create at least four problem gambling recovery/awareness events during PGAM.
- Co-facilitates gambling treatment and recovery groups
The following training opportunities are available for persons with lived experience or in recovery from gambling:
Speakers Bureau: Training for individuals who would like to volunteer to support those in recovery, and their families, by sharing their experiences, strengths and hope. This is an intensive training with ongoing mentoring and support for those that complete it. Training involves three parts: 1. How to craft the story that you have to tell. 2. How to reach others with your meaningful story. 3. Advocacy. There are many opportunities for those who complete the Speakers Bureau training to speak at clinical trainings, awareness activities and other events throughout the State that focus on problem gambling and related concerns. Scholarships are available to members of the Speakers Bureau for attendance to The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling Annual Conference.
Recovery Coach Academy: This 5 day training, facilitated by Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR), is a certificate program that provides individuals with the skills needed to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Provided in a retreat like environment, the Recovery Coach Academy prepares participants by helping them to actively listen, ask really good questions, and prepare them to mentor others. For more information, please visit:
Recovery Support Specialist Training: This 80-hr training, facilitated by Advocacy Unlimited, is an advanced certification course for persons who experience mental health challenges. Connecticut is the only state authorized program to certify individuals as meeting the requirements for Certification as a Recovery Support Specialist. Upon successful completion of the course and the certification exam, graduates are state certified to offer Peer Delivered Services. Upon completion one receives a “Recovery Support Specialist” certification. For more information, please visit:
For more information, please contact Stephen Matos at [email protected] or 203-448-0144. Scholarships are available for those who qualify for acceptance into both the Recovery Coach Academy and the Recovery Support Specialist Training.
Additional resources: